Month: June 2021

Africa’s 56 million missing homes: Shelter Afrique confronts the crisis

Africa’s 56 million missing homes: Shelter Afrique confronts the crisis

Transcript Shelter Afrique is a pan-African development finance institution, funding low cost, high volume housing in 44 countries across the continent. According to its centre of excellence, there is an urgent crisis in urban housing, with 56 million homes needed in African cities – and that number is growing year-on-year. Andrew Chimpondah explains how Shelter … Read more

Backbase CEO urges banks to embrace digital shift

Backbase CEO urges banks to embrace digital shift

This article is part of The Banker’s Special Report, A new era in retail digital sales for CEE banks, in association with Backbase. Q: What are the biggest challenges to improving the onboarding process in retail banking? A: Customer onboarding is the e-commerce of banking. It is a good analogy because e-commerce is all about removing any … Read more

Taking digital banking to the next level in CEE

Taking digital banking to the next level in CEE

This article is part of The Banker’s Special Report, A new era in retail digital sales for CEE banks, in association with Backbase. The stay-at-home orders enforced around the world to prevent the spread of the coronavirus has driven retail customers online in a way that few could have imagined before the onset of the pandemic. Covid-19 … Read more

Banks are becoming bitcoin banks whether they like it or not -

Banks are becoming bitcoin banks whether they like it or not –

The Banker Portfolio encompasses: An essential and trusted resource providing economical and financial intelligence for the world’s financial sector; premium editorial excellence striving to stimulate and inform Detailed regulatory and policy insight for the banking and securities market, analysing the major rules from the formulation stage and explaining their aims and likely impact on a … Read more

Are banks ready for their green stress tests? -

Are banks ready for their green stress tests? –

The Banker Portfolio encompasses: An essential and trusted resource providing economical and financial intelligence for the world’s financial sector; premium editorial excellence striving to stimulate and inform Detailed regulatory and policy insight for the banking and securities market, analysing the major rules from the formulation stage and explaining their aims and likely impact on a … Read more

Pandemic has boosted UK consumer trust in incumbent banks -

Pandemic has boosted UK consumer trust in incumbent banks –

The Banker Portfolio encompasses: An essential and trusted resource providing economical and financial intelligence for the world’s financial sector; premium editorial excellence striving to stimulate and inform Detailed regulatory and policy insight for the banking and securities market, analysing the major rules from the formulation stage and explaining their aims and likely impact on a … Read more