
Staying within the rules will not protect banks from risks -

Staying within the rules will not protect banks from risks –

The Banker Portfolio encompasses: An essential and trusted resource providing economical and financial intelligence for the world’s financial sector; premium editorial excellence striving to stimulate and inform Detailed regulatory and policy insight for the banking and securities market, analysing the major rules from the formulation stage and explaining their aims and likely impact on a … Read more

Firm-specific risk-neutral distributions with options and CDS

Vitas Vasiliauskas: Investment and Investment Finance

Good morning, dear Marco, dear Thomas colleagues, presenters and viewers, A warm welcome to this joint webinar organised by the Bank of Lithuania and the European Investment Bank (EIB). Allow me, first of all, to thank the EIB for approaching us with the idea to hold this event. This is indeed a pivotal time to talk … Read more

Fintech is reaching areas banks could never reach -

Fintech is reaching areas banks could never reach –

The Banker Portfolio encompasses: An essential and trusted resource providing economical and financial intelligence for the world’s financial sector; premium editorial excellence striving to stimulate and inform Detailed regulatory and policy insight for the banking and securities market, analysing the major rules from the formulation stage and explaining their aims and likely impact on a … Read more

Firm-specific risk-neutral distributions with options and CDS

Adrian Orr: 2019 – 20 Financial Review of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Tēnā koutou katoa, welcome all. It is a privilege to be here with you today – alongside the rest of the Bank’s Senior Leadership Team – to report on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s achievements, challenges, and opportunities on what has been an extraordinary and unprecedented year. Like many organisations and businesses, we, at … Read more

The future of banks will be more about trust than finance

The future of banks will be more about trust than finance

Every day we leave behind a trail of personal data. Google Maps tracks our movements, Netflix records our entertainment preferences, Amazon watches over our shopping habits and Alexa keeps tabs on our questions. And every time we click on ‘accept all’ in that privacy box, we’re agreeing to have our personal data stored somewhere in … Read more