
Teaming up to fight financial crime -

Teaming up to fight financial crime –

The Banker Portfolio encompasses: An essential and trusted resource providing economical and financial intelligence for the world’s financial sector; premium editorial excellence striving to stimulate and inform Detailed regulatory and policy insight for the banking and securities market, analysing the major rules from the formulation stage and explaining their aims and likely impact on a … Read more

Sustainability-linked bonds help put ESG into practice

Sustainability-linked bonds help put ESG into practice

&nbsp Author: Marcelo Bacci, Chief Financial & Investor Relations Officer, Suzano August 11, 2021 Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues have gained space on the financial market’s agenda. Companies around the world have been reviewing their business models to integrate ESG commitments that go beyond the traditional agenda centred exclusively on shareholder value creation. The … Read more

Decentralised finance could revolutionise European markets

Tech is global, banking is domestic –

The Banker Portfolio encompasses: An essential and trusted resource providing economical and financial intelligence for the world’s financial sector; premium editorial excellence striving to stimulate and inform Detailed regulatory and policy insight for the banking and securities market, analysing the major rules from the formulation stage and explaining their aims and likely impact on a … Read more

A surge in trading caused by pandemic induced volatility

A surge in trading caused by pandemic induced volatility

&nbsp Interview with: Georgios Argytakis, Executive Director, Just2Trade August 6, 2021 During the pandemic, the financial market has become increasingly volatile, and this has consequently escalated so that more people are now becoming involved with financial trading. Georgios Argytakis, executive director of Just2Trade, spoke to World Finance about how his international investment company has managed … Read more

FRTB: a silver lining?

Delivering next-generation banking – Transactions & Technology –

Claire Dancy, Lloyds Banking Group The digital transformation trend started a few years ago in the banking industry, as banks saw an opportunity to improve customer experience and their competitiveness. And the Covid-19 pandemic certainly accelerated the digital trend. The pandemic has also highlighted where banks have been successful, as well as exposed their weaknesses. … Read more

Singapore leads in cleaning up the crypto industry

Singapore leads in cleaning up the crypto industry

In the same week that Gary Gensler, chair of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, sought additional powers to protect investors from “Wild West” cryptocurrency markets, Singapore was poised to grant regulatory consent to a cryptocurrency exchange for the first time. Australia’s Independent Reserve has secured an ‘in-principle’ approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore … Read more

San Francisco, California, the location of Bank of the West's headquarters

Why global banks are going green

San Francisco, California, the location of Bank of the West’s headquarters&nbsp Author: Augustin de Kerversau, Head of Corporate and Commercial Banking, Executive Vice President, Bank of the West August 5, 2021 “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world,” the Persian poet Rumi wrote. “Today I am wise, so I am changing … Read more

The growth of digital advertising in banking -

The growth of digital advertising in banking –

The Banker Portfolio encompasses: An essential and trusted resource providing economical and financial intelligence for the world’s financial sector; premium editorial excellence striving to stimulate and inform Detailed regulatory and policy insight for the banking and securities market, analysing the major rules from the formulation stage and explaining their aims and likely impact on a … Read more