“Always aim for win-win-win. Win for Buyer Side, Win for Seller Side and Win for Global Well-being”
By Ms. Raghda Shennar
Ms. Raghda Shennar
Ms. Raghda Shennar has more than 20 years of experience in European Markets providing important strategic decisions precious metal transactions focusing on Gold, Silver and Diamond.
Ms. Shennar has extensive background in European Client relationships. This includes import/export, consumer, retail, and banking transactions and commodity trading.
Ms. Shennar focuses on team work and coordinate most of the day to day operation of Zurich.Credit in Europe and Middle East. Ms. Shennar lead and still continue leading multi-million dollar wealth and asset management activities. Her specific role to identify unique investment opportunities make Ms. Shennar a distinctive portfolio manager in precious metal trading community in Switzerland and Italy.
Ms. Shennar’s broad knowledge about compliance and risk management provides unlimited opportunities to corporations and institutions. Years of experience of solving complex financial problems and providing alternative perspective for money management make Ms. Shennar an integral part of European Investment Community.
Ms. Shennar has Italian Citizenship and currently runs Zuric.Credit’s Zurich office and provides banking, financial, compliance, investment, precious metal trade and asset management activities for various institutions and companies around the world.

Identify and Analyze Financial & Banking Risks
Expert on Gold and Diamond Trade
20 Years of experience in Middle East and Europe.
Create strategic planning and execution of projects
Creative/innovative solutions for complex problems
zurich.credit proffesional services
Financial Services
Creating Bank Accounts
Assigning Sub-Accounts
Banking Solutions for Transactions
Currency Exchange Program
Financial Instruments and Products
Investment and Money Management
Escrow, Commission Accounts
Secure Business Relations
Create, Review and Edit Contracts
Provide Legal Solutions
Explore Global & Local Obligations
Secure Commission, Payments
Due-Diligence, Document Analyses
Solve Legal Problems
Mediation and Arbitration
Professional Management
Investment, Wealth Management
Investment Opportunities
Financial Advising
Project Management
Audit and Tax Compliance
Operation Risk Reduction
Import & Export Solutions