
What does the future regulation of AI mean for banks?

What does the future regulation of AI mean for banks?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer something banks can ignore. From anti-money laundering solutions to chatbots and creditworthiness assessment tools, AI  — and machine learning in particular — is becoming an established essential component of data analytics innovation. Increasingly, AI use is becoming embedded in many of the key functions of financial services providers, causing … Read more

It is time to rebrand compliance

It is time to rebrand compliance

At 2:37 in the morning, a message flashed across my screen: “Do you have five minutes?” It was from one of my banking clients, a relationship manager who’d attended one of my workshop sessions on change. He was one of those amazing individuals with the courage to question conservative thinking and introduce a fresh perspective. … Read more

The future of banks will be more about trust than finance

The future of banks will be more about trust than finance

Every day we leave behind a trail of personal data. Google Maps tracks our movements, Netflix records our entertainment preferences, Amazon watches over our shopping habits and Alexa keeps tabs on our questions. And every time we click on ‘accept all’ in that privacy box, we’re agreeing to have our personal data stored somewhere in … Read more

Brexit and equivalence — the path to salvation for UK banks?

Brexit and equivalence — the path to salvation for UK banks?

It is often said that if the EU gave UK banks equivalence, life would be much easier for UK plc and its banking community. But that is not really true. There are more than 40 areas of potential equivalence. But they are very narrow, and sector and activity specific. So narrow and specific, in fact, … Read more

Biden presidency will be defined by Chinese challenge

Biden presidency will be defined by Chinese challenge

“Being president is like running a cemetery,” joked president Bill Clinton in a 1995 Illinois speech. “You’ve got a lot of people under you and nobody’s listening.” The US electoral soap opera has long polarised the country’s citizens. But the unprecedented events of January 6, 2021, the Christian festival of Epiphany, led to a great … Read more