
Firm-specific risk-neutral distributions with options and CDS

Review of recent inflation developments in Russia and economic outlook

Today, we have decided to keep the key rate at 4.25% per annum. The economy is bouncing back rather steadily. I would like to remind you that at our previous meeting we expected economic revival to pause at the end of 2020. However, GDP statistics and high-frequency indicators evidence that this did not happen. Moreover, inflation also exceeds our expectations. I will further on dwell on the factors, which we were taking into account when making our decision today. I will start out with the situation in the economy. It has turned out to be better than … Read more

Firm-specific risk-neutral distributions with options and CDS

Economic activity, prices and monetary policy in Japan

I. Recent Economic and Price Developments A. Economic Developments I will begin my speech by talking about overseas economies. The growth rates for the April-June quarter of 2020 were substantially negative in many countries due to measures such as lockdowns implemented in response to the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). However, those for the … Read more

Firm-specific risk-neutral distributions with options and CDS

Øystein Olsen: Economic perspectives

Introduction One year ago, I stood here and delivered the annual address to 300 guests. This year is different. This evening there are no guests physically present at the central bank. The contrast with last year could hardly be greater. The same also goes for the theme running through this evening’s speech – the Covid-19 … Read more

Mobile banking: a catalyst for economic transformation

Mobile banking: a catalyst for economic transformation

&nbsp Author: Teza Ngulube, Head of Retail and Digital Banking, Atlas Mara Zambia February 10, 2021 Digital technology has been a great financial democratiser worldwide. Mobile phones and app-based banking have put previously inaccessible financial transactions into the hands of millions. While especially true for certain populations in the global south, you would be mistaken … Read more