
FRTB: a silver lining?

Delivering next-generation banking – Transactions & Technology –

Claire Dancy, Lloyds Banking Group The digital transformation trend started a few years ago in the banking industry, as banks saw an opportunity to improve customer experience and their competitiveness. And the Covid-19 pandemic certainly accelerated the digital trend. The pandemic has also highlighted where banks have been successful, as well as exposed their weaknesses. … Read more

Backbase CEO urges banks to embrace digital shift

Backbase CEO urges banks to embrace digital shift

This article is part of The Banker’s Special Report, A new era in retail digital sales for CEE banks, in association with Backbase. Q: What are the biggest challenges to improving the onboarding process in retail banking? A: Customer onboarding is the e-commerce of banking. It is a good analogy because e-commerce is all about removing any … Read more

Taking digital banking to the next level in CEE

Taking digital banking to the next level in CEE

This article is part of The Banker’s Special Report, A new era in retail digital sales for CEE banks, in association with Backbase. The stay-at-home orders enforced around the world to prevent the spread of the coronavirus has driven retail customers online in a way that few could have imagined before the onset of the pandemic. Covid-19 … Read more

The move to digital: driving sales for retail banks in CEE

The move to digital: driving sales for retail banks in CEE

This article is part of The Banker’s Special Report, A new era in retail digital sales for CEE banks, in association with Backbase. While digital banking has been around for many years, there have been few catalysts to drive customers from central and eastern Europe (CEE) online in significant numbers. This all changed when the Covid-19 pandemic began. The … Read more

How the payments industry is coming together to quash financial crime

How the payments industry is coming together to quash financial crime

The world over has seen a marked increase in fraud and money laundering during the Covid-19 pandemic. At a recent roundtable, industry experts discussed how the financial industry is coming together to collaborate and deploy innovative, network-level solutions to trace and prevent financial crime across the digital economy. Panellists: Mark Courtney, chief product officer, Cifas … Read more