
Roaring 20s for SPACs? | World Finance

Roaring 20s for SPACs? | World Finance

Even for a ‘super-app,’ the announcement was astounding, sending shockwaves through global markets. On April 13, Grab, a Singapore-based tech powerhouse that started as a ride-hailing app and has since branched out into banking, hospitality, insurance and other services, announced that it would join the latest Wall Street frenzy, going public on Nasdaq via a … Read more

Money, money, money | World Finance

Money, money, money | World Finance

In June 2020, University of Oxford Professor Ludovic Phalippou caused a ruckus in the private equity (PE) world when he alleged that the industry is nothing but a “billionaire’s factory.” A diehard PE critic, Ludovic has become something of a champion of the alternative view regarding PE. He has interrogated the performance of PE investments, … Read more

Is stagflation coming? | World Finance

Is stagflation coming? | World Finance

Is stagflation coming? First came a global pandemic, then national lockdowns, furloughing, redundancies and insolvencies. A vaccine roll-out and easing of restrictions pointed to better times, but could another problem be headed our way? By Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business July 3, 2021 Source link

World Finance Corporate Governance Awards 2021

World Finance Corporate Governance Awards 2021

Every so often, the corporate world is faced with apocalyptic societal events in which burying your head in the sand, as a strategy, becomes suicidal. In recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic and the time bomb of racism that finally exploded have shaken the mantle of corporate governance like never before. While companies tend to sit … Read more

Firm-specific risk-neutral distributions with options and CDS

Vitas Vasiliauskas: Investment and Investment Finance

Good morning, dear Marco, dear Thomas colleagues, presenters and viewers, A warm welcome to this joint webinar organised by the Bank of Lithuania and the European Investment Bank (EIB). Allow me, first of all, to thank the EIB for approaching us with the idea to hold this event. This is indeed a pivotal time to talk … Read more

The future of banks will be more about trust than finance

The future of banks will be more about trust than finance

Every day we leave behind a trail of personal data. Google Maps tracks our movements, Netflix records our entertainment preferences, Amazon watches over our shopping habits and Alexa keeps tabs on our questions. And every time we click on ‘accept all’ in that privacy box, we’re agreeing to have our personal data stored somewhere in … Read more