
Firm-specific risk-neutral distributions with options and CDS

Getting the Green Deal done – how to mobilize sustainable finance

Thank you. It’s great to be able to speak here. Over the years, Bruegel has become synonymous with excellent and policy-relevant research. Your work helps people like me to do our jobs better. That is also recognized by others. In the  “2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report” published by the University of Pennsylvania … Read more

Top 5 pandemic-proof industries | World Finance

Top 5 pandemic-proof industries | World Finance

&nbsp Author: Emily Cashen March 22, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic has delivered a cruel blow to businesses over the course of the past 12 months, with entire industries effectively put on pause and little indication as to when they might be able to reopen. Travel, hospitality, entertainment and the arts are among the hardest hit … Read more