
Firm-specific risk-neutral distributions with options and CDS

Adrian Orr: 2019 – 20 Financial Review of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Tēnā koutou katoa, welcome all. It is a privilege to be here with you today – alongside the rest of the Bank’s Senior Leadership Team – to report on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s achievements, challenges, and opportunities on what has been an extraordinary and unprecedented year. Like many organisations and businesses, we, at … Read more

Firm-specific risk-neutral distributions with options and CDS

Review of recent inflation developments in Russia and economic outlook

Today, we have decided to keep the key rate at 4.25% per annum. The economy is bouncing back rather steadily. I would like to remind you that at our previous meeting we expected economic revival to pause at the end of 2020. However, GDP statistics and high-frequency indicators evidence that this did not happen. Moreover, inflation also exceeds our expectations. I will further on dwell on the factors, which we were taking into account when making our decision today. I will start out with the situation in the economy. It has turned out to be better than … Read more