
Top 5 female-fronted fintech firms

Top 5 female-fronted fintech firms

Anne Boden, founder of Starling Bank&nbsp Author: Emily Cashen April 14, 2021 Bringing together the traditionally male-dominated fields of finance and technology, it’s no secret that fintech still has some way to go when it comes to gender equality. In the UK, just one percent of all venture capital funding goes to female-founded fintech firms, … Read more

Top 5 Latin American tech hubs

Top 5 Latin American tech hubs

Photo of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by Joao Tzanno on Unsplash&nbsp Author: Emily Cashen April 12, 2021 In recent years, Latin America has established itself as one of the world’s most promising regions for start-up activity and burgeoning tech talent. Venture capital investment in Latin American tech has been growing steadily over the past five years, … Read more

Top 5 WFH habits, according to the world’s most successful business leaders

Top 5 WFH habits, according to the world’s most successful business leaders

Author: Emily Cashen March 24, 2021 In March 2020, the world began an unprecedented experiment in working from home. Almost overnight, offices were emptied and employees were encouraged to WFH wherever possible, with most employees expecting to return to the office in a short matter of weeks. Weeks soon turned into months, and as the … Read more

Top 5 pandemic-proof industries | World Finance

Top 5 pandemic-proof industries | World Finance

&nbsp Author: Emily Cashen March 22, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic has delivered a cruel blow to businesses over the course of the past 12 months, with entire industries effectively put on pause and little indication as to when they might be able to reopen. Travel, hospitality, entertainment and the arts are among the hardest hit … Read more

Trouble at the top for the big four

Trouble at the top for the big four

&nbsp Author: Alex Katsomitros, Finance correspondent February 22, 2021 For many years, Mauro Botta had been a successful partner at the accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in California, where he was responsible for auditing Silicon Valley firms. After witnessing many cases of dubious bookkeeping, he blew the whistle on his employer in 2012, alleging conflicts of … Read more