Testing the water: UK shared bank branch pilots

Testing the water: UK shared bank branch pilots

The acceleration in the closure of bank branches as a result of Covid-19 has been well documented, as banks step up cost-cutting drives and customers shift to digital services. More than 4000 bank and building society branches have closed in the UK over the past six years, according to consumer group Which. There remains, however, … Read more

UK mulls pros and cons of scrapping bonus cap

UK mulls pros and cons of scrapping bonus cap

UK chancellor Rishi Sunak has been under pressure from investment banks to scrap the cap on bankers’ bonuses amid claims it could put London at a competitive disadvantage. The cap, which sets a limit on bonuses at two times salary, was introduced across the EU in 2013 in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, … Read more

UK banking vacancies surge in May

UK banking vacancies surge in May

UK job vacancies in financial services have risen sharply this year as the country begins to rebound from the pandemic, with demand for compliance and IT roles helping to drive up talent acquisition. The overall number of professional vacancies in banking and asset management, excluding clerical roles, reached the highest level in more than five … Read more

Brexit and equivalence — the path to salvation for UK banks?

Brexit and equivalence — the path to salvation for UK banks?

It is often said that if the EU gave UK banks equivalence, life would be much easier for UK plc and its banking community. But that is not really true. There are more than 40 areas of potential equivalence. But they are very narrow, and sector and activity specific. So narrow and specific, in fact, … Read more