
Roaring 20s for SPACs? | World Finance

Roaring 20s for SPACs? | World Finance

Even for a ‘super-app,’ the announcement was astounding, sending shockwaves through global markets. On April 13, Grab, a Singapore-based tech powerhouse that started as a ride-hailing app and has since branched out into banking, hospitality, insurance and other services, announced that it would join the latest Wall Street frenzy, going public on Nasdaq via a … Read more

Money, money, money | World Finance

Money, money, money | World Finance

In June 2020, University of Oxford Professor Ludovic Phalippou caused a ruckus in the private equity (PE) world when he alleged that the industry is nothing but a “billionaire’s factory.” A diehard PE critic, Ludovic has become something of a champion of the alternative view regarding PE. He has interrogated the performance of PE investments, … Read more

Is stagflation coming? | World Finance

Is stagflation coming? | World Finance

Is stagflation coming? First came a global pandemic, then national lockdowns, furloughing, redundancies and insolvencies. A vaccine roll-out and easing of restrictions pointed to better times, but could another problem be headed our way? By Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business July 3, 2021 Source link

World Finance Corporate Governance Awards 2021

World Finance Corporate Governance Awards 2021

Every so often, the corporate world is faced with apocalyptic societal events in which burying your head in the sand, as a strategy, becomes suicidal. In recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic and the time bomb of racism that finally exploded have shaken the mantle of corporate governance like never before. While companies tend to sit … Read more

Backbase CEO urges banks to embrace digital shift

Backbase CEO urges banks to embrace digital shift

This article is part of The Banker’s Special Report, A new era in retail digital sales for CEE banks, in association with Backbase. Q: What are the biggest challenges to improving the onboarding process in retail banking? A: Customer onboarding is the e-commerce of banking. It is a good analogy because e-commerce is all about removing any … Read more

Taking digital banking to the next level in CEE

Taking digital banking to the next level in CEE

This article is part of The Banker’s Special Report, A new era in retail digital sales for CEE banks, in association with Backbase. The stay-at-home orders enforced around the world to prevent the spread of the coronavirus has driven retail customers online in a way that few could have imagined before the onset of the pandemic. Covid-19 … Read more

The move to digital: driving sales for retail banks in CEE

The move to digital: driving sales for retail banks in CEE

This article is part of The Banker’s Special Report, A new era in retail digital sales for CEE banks, in association with Backbase. While digital banking has been around for many years, there have been few catalysts to drive customers from central and eastern Europe (CEE) online in significant numbers. This all changed when the Covid-19 pandemic began. The … Read more

How to build relationships in a digital world -

How to build relationships in a digital world –

The Banker Portfolio encompasses: An essential and trusted resource providing economical and financial intelligence for the world’s financial sector; premium editorial excellence striving to stimulate and inform Detailed regulatory and policy insight for the banking and securities market, analysing the major rules from the formulation stage and explaining their aims and likely impact on a … Read more

Top 5 pandemic-proof industries | World Finance

Top 5 pandemic-proof industries | World Finance

&nbsp Author: Emily Cashen March 22, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic has delivered a cruel blow to businesses over the course of the past 12 months, with entire industries effectively put on pause and little indication as to when they might be able to reopen. Travel, hospitality, entertainment and the arts are among the hardest hit … Read more